*WCF – Show licensing management - Russia


Grodno - Belarus


Date: February 01,02 2020

Novosibirsk, 2019-12-31 issue-2

Novosibirsk, 2019-12-17 issue-1

1st application: 2019-12-10

License L# 201112- EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- EUR-030

C17718, C17719


Att.: Mrs Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako

Dear President(s),

This license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules

and regulations.

No other rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.

See approved rules for that purpose.

Responsible Club: MISTER KOT(BY-0250)


Special Breed Shows: British Shorthair/Longhair, Scottish, Bengal, Siberian, Maine Coon

WCF Fun Shows: Mister Kot, Miss Koshka, Tabby , Solid, Point, With White, Red Show, Aborigen, Rare

Breeds, All Rex, All Sphynx, Old world, New World, Foggy Albion


Mrs. Olga Rohachyova-Kuzako, Belarus (AB, WCF)

Mr. Vitaly Kuzako, Belarus (SLH, SH, SIA/ORI, WCF)

Mrs. Magdalena Swiatowiak, Poland (AB, WCF)


It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose, is

allowed to judge on this exhibition. Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be recognized.

The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 4 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules.

All other rings need the permission of the office.

You may organize special breed shows (at least 10 cats).These special breed shows are not permitted to be

called "ring" or to be performed as ring.

You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules

for the BIS.

The winners of the BIS for the 5 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to

participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.

Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages

of the show catalogue.

ALL EXHIBITIONS MUST BE LICENSED BY WCF and only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show

catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid for WCF awards.

Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual


In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and

cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the

native language of the country.

In WCF exhibitions cats may not be judged more than once per day (except shows with double judgement)

even in combined exhibitions with two or more WCF-clubs.

An electronically copy of the show catalogue, of all protocols including the respective results must be sent to

the Chairman of the Show commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after

the date of exhibition.

The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not

comply with these resolutions.

In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:

International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue

on each showday. A change of the place or the date requires new license numbers.

All changes have to be sent as soon as possible. Otherwise, there can be no guarantee that the updated

license will be granted on time.

If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license manager before the planned date.

This license will become invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its

validity for non prolongation of patronage. There is no claim for reimbursement of the license fees.

All WCF clubs are welcome to participate in the WCF Best Cat. .

We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.

Best regards

WCF show licensing management

Marina Khodusova

According to § 28 and § 29 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) passing on of all WCF exhibition data including show

results to third parties for NON-WCF purposes is prohibited.

*WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.


License manager assistant wcf.show.license@gmail.com

Longhair group

British Longhair

BLH ny 25 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black golden ticked Isabella Shiny Pride Female
1 born 30.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Dessert Shiny pride (BLH by 25)
Dam: Queen Vanilla from ko-ti-ko (BLH ns 11)
BLH ns 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black silver shaded Chanel Shiny Pride Female
2 born 15.12.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Leo Daviway (BRI ny 25)
Dam: Catalina Snow Field (BLH ns 11)
BLH ns 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black silver shaded Queen Vanilla from ko-ti-ko Female
3 born 20.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Angel (BLH ns 11)
Dam: ROSSY ASSOL (BRI ns 25)
BLH ns 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black silver shaded Catalina Daviway Female
4 born 15.05.2018
Microchip: 991003000112194
Sire: Escada Point Xanadu (BRI ny 11 33)
Dam: Niagara Gold Rebekka (BRI ns 11)
BLH ns 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black silver shaded Amur Your Panacea Male
5 born 23.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Angel (BLH ns 11)
Dam: Chanel Shiny Pride (BLH ns 11)

Highland Fold

SFL d 03 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
red spotted bicolour Ralf Marvet Male
6 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL d 22 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
red blotched Rey Marvet Neuter
7 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL d 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
red spotted Rafael Marvet Male
8 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL d 24 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
red spotted Raggi Marvet Neuter
9 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL f 01 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black tortie van Moya Lubov Ovatsiya Female
10 born 25.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Flash Royal Magnate (SFL n 02)
Dam: MOYA LUBOV NIKKOL (SFS 71 d 03 22)
SFL f 02 21 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black tortie tabby harlequin Kindlycats Joconde Female
11 born 10.10.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Kindlycats Chicago (SFL 71 ds 03 24)
Dam: Kindlycat's Francheska (SFL a 02 21)
SFL 20. Show class litter (Litter/Litter)
color determination Litter Marvet R Litter
12 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 a 02 24 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
blue spotted harlequin Oliver Marvet Neuter
13 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFL 71 f 03 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie spotted bicolour Pandora Marvet Spay
14 born 25.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Master, Pearl Master O*Kay Yudjin Marycat (SFL 71 n 03 24)
SFL 71 ns 25 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black silver ticked Sultan's star Bonny Female
15 born 29.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Selkirk Rex Longhair

SRL ns 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black silver shaded Jessica Shiny pride Female
16 born 22.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Sharmila Dobryan (SRL ns 11)
Dam: Catalina Daviway (BLH ns 11)
SRL ns 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black silver spotted Gabriella Shiny pride Female
17 born 28.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Sharmila Dobryan (SRL ns 11)
Dam: Mirabella L' Amour De Ma Vie (BLH ns)
SRL ny 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black golden shaded John Shiny pride Male
18 born 22.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Sharmila Dobryan (SRL ns 11)
Dam: Catalina Daviway (BLH ns 11)

Semi longhair group

Maine Coon

MCO a 22 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
blue blotched Zea MK Spay
19 born 17.09.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Captain John Morris Bright Star (MCO n 22)
Dam: Feira De Santana MK (MCO n 03 22)
MCO e 22 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
cream blotched Navis Benedictus cattus Neuter
20 born 30.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Lavansaari (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Kiara Geut Coon (MCO es 22)
MCO f 03 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black tortie blotched bicolour Stella Lter H'anfisa Female
21 born 20.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Amour-Cats Jackson (MCO n 03 22)
Dam: ManillaChris Maine Coons*BY (MCO d 03 22)
MCO fs 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie smoke Geisha Benedictus cattus Female
22 born 25.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
MCO fs 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black tortie smoke bicolour Fantasy Benedictus Cattus Female
23 born 05.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
Dam: Sally Benedictus cattus (MCO f 09 22)
MCO n 03 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh)
black blotched bicolour Zabava Benedictus cattus Spay
24 born 09.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Lavansaari (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Nora Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03)
MCO n 09 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh)
black w/white Itor Benedictus cattus Neuter
25 born 24.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Baron Lavansaari (MCO ns 22)
Dam: Hobbi Nika Beauty (MCO g)
MCO ns 03 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
black smoke bicolour Pups Benedictus cattus Neuter
26 born 17.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Pearl Master Hatiko Milagro Norte (MCO ds 25)
Dam: WCF Ch. Flower Benedictus Cattus (MCO n 03)
MCO ns 03 22 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh)
black silver blotched bicolour Tor Benedictus cattus Neuter
27 born 06.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. Dior Benedictus Cattus (MCO d 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Jools Benedictus Sattus (MCO fs 09 22)

Munchkin Longhair

MNL d 02 24. Show class exhibit only (out of competition) (Exh/Exh)
red harlequin ShikoNinel Felix Male
28 born 13.08.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Iberis Oll Rait (MNL d 02 22)
Dam: Shining Shambala Hannah (MNL f 03 32)

Norwegian Forest Cat

NFO f 03 22 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CACE)
black tortie blotched bicolour S*Cederskogens Signe Sot Female
29 born 12.03.2015
Microchip: 90004900018952
Sire: S*Cederskogens Larry Lava (NFO d 09 22)
Dam: S*Mysklisia's Wichita (NFO f 03 22)
NFO n 03 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE)
black blotched bicolour WCF Ch. Neiden-II North Cape*RU Female
30 born 28.08.2017
Microchip: 643093400072443
Sire: Pyxis's Amber Franklin (NFO nt 09 22)
Dam: Zanta North Cape*RU (NFO ns 03)
NFO ns 03 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CAGCE)
black smoke bicolour Zanta North Cape*RU Female
31 born 01.12.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Asgard Dikaya Krasa (NFO n 02)
Dam: Christian North Cape*RU (NFO ns 09 24)

Polydactyl w/polydactyl all 4 paws

POL 93 f 25 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie ticked Varezhka Nika Beauty Female
32 born 16.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Nikanor Nika Beauty (POL 93 n 25)
Dam: Juta Nika Beauty (POL 93 d 22)


RAG a 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
blue bicolour My Epic Aaron Male
33 born 02.08.2018
Microchip: 981100004550529
Sire: Wanderduene Muccino (RAG n 04 (rag))
Dam: Nerili of Elocins Castle (RAG a 03)
RAG a 04 21 (rag) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
blue lynx mitted (ragdoll) Faina La Mia Fortuna Female
34 born 06.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Blueeyedqtpies Sirlynxcobaltcourage (RAG a 04 21 (rag))
Dam: Izumitelnaya La Mia Fortuna (RAG a 03 33)
RAG n 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black bicolour Habibi La Mia Fortuna Female
35 born 26.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: PL*Dianika Emmet (RAG n 03)
Dam: Nina Ragdollpamei*PL (RAG n 04 (rag))
RAG n 03 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
seal point bicolour Gertruda La Mia Fortuna Female
36 born 11.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Envy Marcastle*PL (RAG n 03)
Dam: Fiona La Mia Fortuna (RAG g 03)
RAG n 04 (rag) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
seal mitted (ragdoll) Diana La Mia Fortuna Female
37 born 25.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: PL*Dianika Emmet (RAG n 03)
Dam: Missy Ragdollpamei*PL (RAG f 04 (rag))


SOM n (som) 3. Show class grand european (continental) champion (CACM/CACM)
ruddy (somali) WCF Gr.Eur.Ch. Krakoshko Galtonia Female
38 born 01.11.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Krakoshko Barboris (SOM o (som))
Dam: Cat Manor's Fern Flower (ABY a (aby))

Shorthair group


ABY a (aby) 3. Show class grand european (continental) champion (CACM/PH)
blue (abyssinian) WCF W.Ch. Oskar of Galaxyaby Male
39 born 03.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Lubimka kubla Khan (ABY a (aby))
Dam: Brooklyn Lucky Company*RU (ABY a (aby))
ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Lady Purple Asgard Cat*BFC-BY Female
40 born 21.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Bumblebee Charming Angel (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Becky Asgard Cat (ABY a (aby))
ABY n (aby) 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
ruddy (abyssinian) DAMIAN SANDS GODDESS Male
41 born 09.04.2019
Microchip: -
Dam: W.CH. IZABELLA la NIOMANA (ABY a (aby))


BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted Glafira Izumrud KingArtur Male
42 born 29.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Bengamin Zefir of Glafira Izumrud (BEN n 24 31)
Dam: Mangosteen Sun Flower (BEN n 24)
BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted Yin-Yang Sultana Female
43 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Azai Itonics Maxwell (BEN n 24)
Dam: Yin-Yang*BY Charisma (BEN n 24)
BEN n 24 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black spotted Yin-Yang Sumatra Female
44 born 20.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Azai Itonics Maxwell (BEN n 24)
Dam: Yin-Yang*BY Charisma (BEN n 24)

British Shorthair

BRI a 7. Show class grand international champion (CACE/CAGCE)
blue Rokis Linagnis*LT Male
45 born 25.07.2018
Microchip: 953010003222909
Sire: Beltens Senator (BRI w 62)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Elizabeth Linagnis*LT (BRI a)
BRI a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
blue WCF J.Ch. Rose Linagnis*LT Female
46 born 25.07.2018
Microchip: 953010003222751
Sire: Beltens Senator (BRI w 62)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Elizabeth Linagnis*LT (BRI a)
BRI a 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB)
blue Quentin Bentley Mur*BY Male
47 born 01.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: His Majesty Henry Bonibrit*LT (BRI c)
Dam: Cassiopeia Bentley Mur*BY (BRI a)
BRI a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue Fortuna Kupido Female
48 born 13.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion (BRI a)
Dam: Ula Loving Soul (BRI a)
BRI d 1. Show class world champion (PH/PH)
red Belvita Kłaczek*PL Female
49 born 16.05.2017
Microchip: 616093900384004
Sire: Patos de Minas Honorable*CZ (BRI d)
Dam: Lala Mruczysko*PL (BRI q)
BRI g 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
blue tortie (blue cream) Zara of Great Fate Female
50 born 03.05.2019
Microchip: 643099000863270
Sire: Teddy Brits Bernstein (BRI a)
Dam: Snow White Eliza Fairy Lady Of Great Fate (BRI g 03)
BRI h 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
chocolate tortie Venus Chakram*PL Female
51 born 27.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Yiruma of Bring Joy (BRI a)
Dam: Amfetamina Kłaczek*PL (BRI d)
BRI n 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black WCF W.Ch. Ching-gis Khan Kupido Male
52 born 25.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. WCF Double Master Edison Snow Legion (BRI a)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Swelldom's Zella (BRI n)
BRI ns 11 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
seal silver shaded point Diana of Angelica Female
53 born 02.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: Dolly Star Sofi (BRI ny 11 33)
BRI ns 25 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver ticked Diana Niagara Gold Female
54 born 07.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
BRI ny 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black golden shaded BARSILANA XENIA SHARM1 Female
55 born 28.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: MiracleBri Teddy Bear (BRI ny 12)
Dam: Queen Anna Plush Bliss (BRI ay 11 33)
BRI ny 12 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
golden chinchilla Be Happy Daviway Female
56 born 03.05.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Tamerlan Olympus Top (BRI ny 12)
Dam: Nikki Daviway (BRI ny 11)
BRI w 62 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
white w/orange eyes WCF K.Ch. Joli Pli Eklerka Female
57 born 07.07.2019
Microchip: 112060000040442BLR
Sire: Macho Bentley Mur*BY (BRI w 62)
Dam: Faya Bentley Mur*BY (BRI j)


BUR b (bur) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
chocolate (burmese) Sharmalen Tina Trish Female
58 born 01.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Velvet Miracle C'Adamantis (BUR b (bur))
Dam: Sharmalen Glenda (BUR n (bur))
BUR n (bur) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
sable (burmese) Burmorion`s Hinata Huyga Female
59 born 10.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Onyx Ocean Eyes*UA (BUR n (bur))
Dam: KZ*Burmorion`s Xyusha (BUR b (bur))

Cornish Rex

CRX f 02 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie harlequin Gabriela Mary&Max Female
60 born 04.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bentley Kalanta Solo*RU (CRX n 03)
Dam: WCF Ch. Berry Mary&Max (CRX d 02 33)
CRX n 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black Black Prince Marcella-Gold Male
61 born 24.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magnificent Brilliant Marcella-Gold (CRX b)
Dam: Madam Marcella-Gold (CRX f 03)

Devon Rex

DRX n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black spotted Landa Stella-di-Lusso Female
62 born 04.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Maki Stella-Di-Lusso (DRX w 61)
Dam: Mila Stella-di-Lusso (NON f 03 24)

Exotic Shorthair

EXO w 63 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
white w/odd eyes Exomania Odissej Male
63 born 06.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Marlen Cats Ice Dolphin (EXO w 63)
Dam: Exomania Cleopatra (EXO f 01 21)

Russian Blue

RUS a 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue Zlata Rus*RU Female
64 born 15.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Marcipan Jemchujina Neva (RUS a)
Dam: Miloslava Rus*RU (RUS a 01 25)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 f 03 24 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black tortie spotted bicolour Rarity Marvet Female
65 born 21.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS ns 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black silver shaded Magic Sapphire Armani Male
66 born 10.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS ny 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black golden shaded Arthur Envoys Bast Male
67 born 07.11.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Kayros Pride Queenly (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Enigma MK (SFS ns 11)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 n 14. Show class neuter (CAP/CAP)
black Bel WonderLand's*BY Black Tulip Neuter
68 born 10.08.2018
Microchip: 999111000035622
Sire: Svetazar's Ostin Powers (SFS ds 11 33)
Dam: Wonderlands Qiara (SFS 71 f 24)
SFS 71 ns 11 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE)
black silver shaded Zara Laurum Female
69 born 05.04.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: Kittystar Yorcat-Tyson (SFS ns 11)
Dam: Imanny Laurum (SFS 71 ns 11)
SFS 71 ns 11 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB)
black silver shaded Anny-Mur Graciella Female
70 born 25.06.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Caesar (SFL 71 ns 11)
Dam: Klara Livelycat (SFS ns 11 33)
SFS 71 ns 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black silver shaded Ustina Laurum Female
71 born 20.01.2017
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SFS 71 ny 11 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC)
black golden shaded point Isha Sunny Way Female
72 born 24.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Walter Sunny Way (SFS 71 ny 11 33)
Dam: Snow cat Catherine Belle (SFS ny)
SFS 71 ny 25 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black golden ticked Uslada Felichita Female
73 born 13.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Siamese group


BAL a 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
blue Valensia Grace Jasper Neuter
74 born 29.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: North Blue Sky Bastet Ural's (BAL a)
Dam: Niagara MK (OLH b)
BAL b 16b. Show class kitten-neuter (CAPP/CAPP)
chocolate Valensia Grace Jerica Spay
75 born 29.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: North Blue Sky Bastet Ural's (BAL a)
Dam: Niagara MK (OLH b)

Oriental Longhair

OLH n 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black Valensia Grace Ines Female
76 born 10.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: North Blue Sky Bastet Ural's (BAL a)
Dam: Niagara MK (OLH b)


THA c 3. Show class grand european (continental) champion (CACM/CACM)
lilac WCh Elf Silk Elegance Male
77 born 20.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Shubert Elegant Step (THA n 33)
Dam: Albia Silk Elegance (THA a 33)

Hairless group

Don Sphynx

DSX f 01 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie van Rogneda Josephine Female
78 born 07.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Deamond Bella Sphynx From Prostokvahino (DSX d 03)
Dam: Ballada Tallisdon (DSX n 03)
DSX n 03 3. Show class grand european (continental) champion (CACM/CACM)
black bicolour WCF Pearl, Double Master Rogneda Carmen Female
79 born 05.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Star Tesh Rustam (DSX n)
Dam: Lelia Iz Westerosa (DSX n 02 21)
DSX n 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB)
black bicolour Olivia iz Westerosa Female
80 born 16.05.2016
Microchip: -
Sire: Bentley Podarok Sultana (DSX n 02 21)
Dam: Key Adalinda iz Westerosa (DSX n 03 33)

Shorthair group

Selkirk Rex Shorthair

SRS as 25 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
blue silver ticked Karri Shiny Pride Female
81 born 29.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SRS ns 11 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP)
black silver shaded Karisaa Shiny Pride Female
82 born 29.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

British Shorthair

BRI ny 12 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ)
golden chinchilla Barsilana Annabell Female
83 born 29.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Semi longhair group


RAG a 03 16. Show class kitten (-/CACP)
blue bicolour Bella Perfect Star Female
84 born 09.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Longhair group

Selkirk Rex Longhair

SRL ns 11 33 15. Show class junior (-/CACJ)
seal silver shaded point Jean Shiny Ptide Male
85 born 22.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -
SRL ny 11 33 15. Show class junior (-/CACJ)
black golden shaded point Jacob Shiny Pride Male
86 born 22.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Shorthair group


TGR n 23 14. Show class neuter (-/CAP)
black mackerel Tim Neuter
87 born 25.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -