WCF – Show licensing management - Russia


Tver - Russia


Date: August 22,23 2020

Novosibirsk, 2019-11-21 issue-1

1st application: 2019-11-14

License L# 201091- EUROPE CONTINENT SHOW- ER-050

C17332, C17333, D16295

On Saturday double judgement with permission

to: Elitar-Klub

Att.: Mrs. Anna Rudakova

Dear President(s),

This license is to give you the right to hold the show listed below once it is licensed under WCF Show Rules

and regulations.

No other rings, for whatever purpose, are allowed in WCF shows, only WCF-rings.

See approved rules for that purpose.

Responsible Club: Elitar-Klub (RU-0170)

Co-organizing Trainee club: Alpha Cat (RU-H-0025)


Special Breed Shows: Mine Coon, Siberian, Scottish


Mrs. Elena Ignatova, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Anna Nazarova, Russia (AB, WCF)

Mrs. Svetlana Vlasenko, Russia (AB, WCF)


It is not allowed to add any judge, not listed in this license, and no other judge, for whatever purpose, is

allowed to judge on this exhibition. Monobreed rings are generally not permitted, any wins will not be


The only rings, which you are permitted to perform, are the 4 WCF-rings as defined in the Show Rules. All

other rings need the permission of the office.

You may organize special breed shows (at least 10 cats). These special breed shows are not permitted to be

called "ring" or to be performed as ring.

You can make a separate Best in Show for specific breeds, which must be made according to the rules

for the BIS.

The winners of the BIS for the 5 categories and the winners of the BIS of special breed shows are allowed to

participate in the Best of Best. A cat can only participate in one BIS per show.

Please remember to place on stage a large WCF symbol and print this license on one of the first pages

of the show catalogue.

ALL EXHIBITIONS MUST BE LICENSED BY WCF and only exhibitions with licenses printed in the show

catalogues prove they are really licensed and valid for WCF awards.

Each show catalogue must include a page for the WCF, including the names and addresses of the actual Board-members.

In all World and International Shows with foreign judges or exhibitors, all announcements and

cat calls during the show and Best in Show ceremonies, MUST BE made also in English, not only in the

native language of the country.

In WCF exhibitions cats may not be judged more than once per day (except shows with double judgement)

even in combined exhibitions with two or more WCF-clubs.

An electronically copy of the show catalogue, of all protocols including the respective results must be sent to

the Chairman of the Show commission to the mail address show.results@wcf-online.de, latest 10 days after

the date of exhibition.

The club will face disciplinary actions, and at least a fine of Euro 200.- will apply if the club does not

comply with these resolutions.

In addition, we want to remind you of the following important points:

International shows can only be recognized, if an amount of minimum 80 cats are registered in the catalogue

on each showday. A change of the place or the date requires new license numbers.

All changes have to be sent as soon as possible. Otherwise, there can be no guarantee that the updated license will be granted on time.

If you have to cancel the exhibition it is necessary to inform the license manager before the planned date.

This license will become invalid with suspension or expulsion of the requesting club. Likewise, it loses its

validity for non prolongation of patronage. There is no claim for reimbursement of the license fees.

All WCF clubs are welcome to participate in the WCF Best Cat. .

We from the Board wish you all the best for this upcoming show.

Best regards,

WCF show licensing management

Marina Khodusova

According to § 28 and § 29 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) passing on of all WCF exhibition data including show

results to third parties for NON-WCF purposes is prohibited.

*WCF is a registered trademark of World Cat Federation. Its use by non-members will result in prosecution.


License manager assistant wcf.show.license@gmail.com

The Board

The Board of WCF consists of the president, the secretary general and the treasurer.
The Extended Board consists of the two vice-presidents. The WCF has various Commissions.

Executive committee: The Board
Anneliese HackmannPresident
Anneliese Hackmann

Geisbergstr. 2
D-45139 Essen

phone: +49-(0)-201-555 724
fax: +49-(0)-201-552 747
email: wcf@wcf-online.de

Anneliese Hackmann

Secretary General
Tatjana Cernova

Hapsalas 15-31
LV-1005 Riga

mobile: +371-291 234 30
email: wcf.secretarygeneral@inbox.lv


Cornelia Hungerecker


D-45141 Essen

Mobile: +49-(0)177-732 82 98

Email: treasurer@wcf-online.de

Honorary President

Paulo S. Ruschi

New York / USA

Mobil: +1-718-721 09 39
Email: psruschi@gmail.com

Extended Board
Tatjana Cernova
1st Vice-president

Anna Rudakova

ul. Moskovskaya, 13a
440031 Penza

phone: +7 8412 66 0130

mobile: +7 902 352 7153
email: 1.vice-president@wcf-online.de


2nd Vice-president

Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski

Zakowice / Polen

Tel.: +48-602 227 328


Наши спонсоры:

22 августа, суббота

Компания «Симбио»-эксклюзивный дистрибьютор кормов Pureluxe(США) на территории РФ Эти корма специально разработаны для наших четвероногих друзей ,живущих с нами в городских условиях. Производится корм на одном из лучших американских заводов-CJ Foods Inc, город Берн в графстве Немаха, штат Канзас .Корм Pureluxe очень вкусный и обязательно понравится вашему котику . А ещё производитель декларирует принцип абсолютной открытости-зайдя на сайт, покупатель может по индивидуальному коду с упаковки получить полную информацию о корме, который лежит именно в этом пакете-включая сертификацию и результаты лабораторных исследований. Для заводчиков компания «Симбио» предлагает выгодную программу сотрудничества «Симбио-Клуб».Корм для кошек Boreal беззерновой, с курицей 2.26 кг

23 августа , воскресенье

ООО «Гранд-Альфа» - официальный представитель крупнейшей европейской компании INTERQUELL GmbH,производителя кормов для домашних животных под торговой маркой HAPPY CAT.

Корма Happy Cat производится на семейном немецком предприятии и соответствуют знаку качества «сделано в Германии». Производитель гарантирует высокую усвояемость. Используются натуральные ингредиенты и высококачественные животные белки, эксклюзивное и высококачественное сырье от местных фермерских хозяйств. При производстве корма используются искусственные красители, консерванты и ароматизаторы

Строжайший независимый контроль качества на каждом этапе производства.

На изображении может находиться: текст «HAPPY CAT All you feed is love»На изображении может находиться: текст

Longhair group

Highland Fold

SFL e 02 63 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
cream harlequin w/odded eyes Cadelonia Chernyshevsky Male
1 born 25.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Cadelonia Matisse (SFS 71 e 01 63)
Dam: Cadelonia Imperia (SFL fs 03)
SFL n 01 21 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE/CACE)
black tabby van Cadelonia Ararat Male
2 born 03.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Cadelonia Matisse (SFS 71 e 01 63)
Dam: Geneva Caledonia Cat (SFL bs 02 23)

Shorthair group

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black blotched Z*Prince Male
3 born 19.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Hamlet Pandorino (SFS 71 ns 22)
Dam: Ilona Flash Sweet Harmony (SFS ns 22)

Longhair group

Highland Fold

SFL 20. Show class litter (Litter/-/Litter)
color determination Bernardo Happy Star Katrin Ross Litter
4 born 17.04.2020
Microchip: 900113002000114
Sire: Fiery Pharaoh Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS 71 n 22)
Dam: Exsellent Star Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS f 03 22)

Scottish Straight Longhair

SFL 71 d 03 22 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CACE/CACE)
red blotched bicolour WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Benedikt of Planet Picasso Male
5 born 04.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Dastin House Omari (SFS 71 b 02 24)
Dam: Miranis Lily (SFL f 03 23)

Semi longhair group

Kurilian Bobtail Longhair

KBL d 24 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
red spotted WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Dexter Funny Guys Male
6 born 12.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Takeshi Zolotaya Seredina (KBL n 22)
Dam: Khurma Zolotaya Seredina (KBL d 24)
KBL n 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
black blotched WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Eva Funny Guys Female
7 born 20.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Takeshi Zolotaya Seredina (KBL n 22)
Dam: Opera Serebro Rossypju (KBL f 22)
KBL ny 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black golden blotched WCF Int.Ch. Fuji Ryjikoff Female
8 born 15.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Regulus Stylecat (KBL n 09 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Constantia Aurum Ryjikoff (KBL fy 22)

Maine Coon

MCO as 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/-)
blue smoke WCF Ch. Axel Perfect Huge Breed Male
9 born 03.01.2019
Microchip: 643094100465850 RUS
Sire: Boniface Avrorastarcoon (MCO as)
Dam: Beauty (MCO a)
MCO a 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue Larkistaff Sky Female
10 born 18.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Larkistaff Ferdinand (MCO n 09)
Dam: Academy's RoseMary (MCO n 22)
MCO a 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
blue WCF J.Ch. Honey Moon Fierte de Rouge Female
11 born 18.12.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Fantom Mini Trot*BY (MCO ns)
Dam: WCF Eur.Ch. Elizabeth Arden mini TROT*BY (MCO f 09)
MCO a 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue w/white Iz Till of Bona Sorta Male
12 born 13.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Quality Ferst Shine from Bona Sorta (MCO n 09 22)
Dam: Fanny Ardant from Bona Sorta (MCO f 09 22)
MCO ns 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black silver ticked Tima the Large Forest*RU Male
13 born 11.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Hotori Honso (MCO as 22)
Dam: Stella (MCO n 09)
MCO d 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
red w/white Tornado Rysenok Neuter
14 born 07.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Orpheus Rysenok (MCO d)
Dam: Nice Voice Juliet (MCO g)
MCO d 09 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
red blotched w/white WCF Ch. Haya Schast'e v dom*RU Female
15 born 24.10.2017
Microchip: 643094100589644 RUS
Sire: Steven King (MCO d 09 22)
Dam: Felicia Waldhuter (MCO d 22)
MCO d 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
red blotched Chanel Forest Dwellers Female
16 born 06.03.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Wood-Hollywood Winston (MCO e)
Dam: Melissa Forest Dwellers (MCO f 09 22)
MCO ds 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
red smoke WCF J.Ch. Ivory Fierte de Rouge Female
17 born 20.01.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Kunarmy Geoffrey Rouge (MCO d)
Dam: WCF Ch. Evdokia Fierte de Rouge (MCO fs)
MCO ds 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/-/CACJ)
red silver blotched WCF J.Ch. ArLeYarCoon Berberis Male
18 born 25.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Frisbee MuRRena Coon (MCO w 64)
Dam: Konny Dorozhe Zlata*RU (MCO f 09 22)
MCO es 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
cream silver blotched Alexandr the Large Forest Male
19 born 05.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Arni Duh Velesa (MCO ns 22)
Dam: ICh Ellincat*s Julia (MCO g 09)
MCO f 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie Tessa Rysenok Female
20 born 07.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Orpheus Rysenok (MCO d)
Dam: Nice Voice Juliet (MCO g)
MCO f 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie bicolour Grace Frisky Paws Female
21 born 30.04.2018
Microchip: 643094100626825
Sire: Woolen Tails Frodo (MCO n 03 22)
Dam: Intriga Cunning Fox (MCO fs)
MCO f 22 6. Show class european (continental) premier (CAGPE/-/CAGPE)
black tortie blotched WCF Gr.Int.Pr. MaKaDami's Amalia Spay
22 born 07.10.2012
Microchip: -
Sire: Pilowtalk's Da Capo (MCO d 03 22)
Dam: WCF Eur.Ch. Katinka Maccala*PL (MCO f 22)
MCO f 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/-)
black tortie blotched World of Giant Agidel Female
23 born 10.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: ElliGloria’s Caliph (MCO d 09 22)
Dam: Yandy Baikalsapphire (MCO f 22)
MCO fs 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie smoke WCF Ch. Evdokia Fierte de Rouge Female
24 born 08.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Fantom Mini Trot*BY (MCO ns)
Dam: Umi Naomi Neko Fukuoka (MCO fs 22)
MCO fs 09 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black tortie smoke w/white Dream CountryLynx*RU Female
25 born 28.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Jam Just a Dream (MCO ds 22)
Dam: Leia Sofia's Pride (MCO n 09)
MCO fs 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie silver bloched Olimpia of Talina Citi Female
26 born 06.12.2018
Microchip: 643093400091471
Sire: Ratibor of Talina City (MCO d 22)
MCO gs 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/-)
blue tortie (blue cream)smoke w/white Anabel Shaggy Sharon Female
27 born 13.03.2019
Microchip: 643099200007481
Sire: Boniface Avrorastarcoon (MCO as)
Dam: Gosefin Ledy Harley (MCO g)
MCO gs 09 15. Show class junior (CACJ/-/CACJ)
blue tortie (blue cream)smoke w/white Chateau Margaux Soir de Luna*RU Female
28 born 15.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Hearloom`Och Soir De Luna*Ru (MCO es)
Dam: RU*MovingSpirit Euphoria (MCO ns 09 21)
MCO n 13. Show class open (CAC/-/CAC)
black Glorfindela Mariburg Female
29 born 03.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Poseidon (MCO n)
Dam: WCF Ch. Luxury Line Jinx (MCO f 03)
MCO n 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black Athena Alin House Female
30 born 22.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Poseidon (MCO n)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Alisa of Stels (MCO n)
MCO n 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black De Lomend Graise Kelly Female
31 born 27.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Washington Lessy Pride (MCO a)
Dam: Ganibal Tserber Djulia Roberts (MCO n 22)
MCO n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CACIB)
black blotched WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Favorit-Sherkhan Juna Female
32 born 10.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bodiam Furor (MCO ns 23)
Dam: Bluemistwild's Sofi (MCO a)
MCO n 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black Kumbito Line Tracey Female
33 born 29.11.2018
Microchip: 643094100602735 RUS
Sire: GICH Poseidon (MCO n)
Dam: CH Wildhost Gypsy (MCO f)
MCO n 03 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black blotched bicolour Larkistaff Princess Female
34 born 19.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Larkistaff Cartier (MCO a 09 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Larkistaff Gillian (MCO n 09 24)
MCO n 03 24 12. Show class premior (CAPIB/CAPIB/-)
black spotted bicolour Larkistaff HARVEY Neuter
35 born 01.09.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. StarArk Erik (MCO d 03 22)
Dam: Larkistaff Alfatigra (MCO n 24)
MCO n 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black w/white De Lomend Gloria Grame Female
36 born 27.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Washington Lessy Pride (MCO a)
Dam: Ganibal Tserber Djulia Roberts (MCO n 22)
MCO n 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black w/white WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Rainer Spiritual Joy Male
37 born 06.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Barney Kolovershi (MCO d)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Ariana Mariburg (MCO n)
MCO n 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black w/white Alicia Alin House Female
38 born 22.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Poseidon (MCO n)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Alisa of Stels (MCO n)
MCO n 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
black blotched WCF Int.Ch. Emelyan Fierte de Rouge Male
39 born 08.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Fantom Mini Trot*BY (MCO ns)
Dam: Umi Naomi Neko Fukuoka (MCO fs 22)
MCO n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black blotched Larkistaff Pandora Female
40 born 19.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: RU*Larkistaff Cartier (MCO a 09 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Larkistaff Gillian (MCO n 09 24)
MCO n 23 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black mackerel Larkistaff Porsche Male
41 born 19.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: RU*Larkistaff Cartier (MCO a 09 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Larkistaff Gillian (MCO n 09 24)
MCO ns 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black smoke Atilla Tea Monterei Male
42 born 25.07.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Onassis Alfacoon (MCO e 09 22)
Dam: Penelope Alfacoon (MCO f)
MCO ns 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black smoke WCF Ch. Chanel Spiritual Joy Female
43 born 28.06.2019
Microchip: 999021189000545
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. Luke Present of Luck & Mariburg (MCO a)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. Bavaria Mariburg (MCO n 09)
MCO ns 03 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black silver ticked bicolour Larkistaff Letti Female
44 born 21.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: RU*Larkistaff Cartier (MCO a 09 22)
Dam: Quasar Cardistry (MCO ns 03 25)
MCO ns 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/-/CACIB)
black silver blotched Starark Jam Male
45 born 27.08.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: RU*Larkistaff Cartier (MCO a 09 22)
Dam: Starark Agilita PP (POL 93 ns 22)
MCO ns 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black silver blotched Chaning CountryLynx*RU Male
46 born 16.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Jam Just a Dream (MCO ds 22)
Dam: Glafira from MazuninaDom (MCO f 22)
MCO ns 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black silver blotched Elisey CountryLynx*RU Male
47 born 06.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Wildbeautycoon's Romario (MCO a 22)
MCO as 22 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/-)
blue silver blotched Larkistaff YAGODKA Female
48 born 24.01.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Sapphire Gracious Wizard`PP (POL 93 as 22)
Dam: Starark Jelli (POL 90 ns 22)


SIB a 09 21 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue tabby point w/white Evdokiya Julyjoy Female
49 born 09.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Beliy Mishka Snejnaya Zima (SIB a 21 33)
Dam: Berni Julyjoy (SIB a 09 21 33)
SIB a 09 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/-)
blue point/white WCF Int.Ch. Germes Velikii Ohotnik Male
50 born 28.05.2019
Microchip: 643093300079630
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Luchezar Vizantiysky Podarok (SIB n 09 21 33)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Hrizantema Zhemchug Nevy (SIB as 21 33)
SIB a 21 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
blue tabby point WCF Gr.Eur.Ch. Alisa Felis Moskva*RU Female
51 born 19.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Potap Lunnaya Dymka (SIB a 21 33)
Dam: Europa Zhemchug Nevy (SIB a 21 33)
SIB a 21 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
blue tabby point Mikola Solntsa Korona Male
52 born 10.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Valter Snejnaya Zima (SIB a 21 33)
Dam: P*Seraphima Nebesnaya Lazur' (SIB a 21 33)
SIB a 21 33 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
blue tabby point Izyashchestvo Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva Female
53 born 13.03.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Jamiro Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB a 21 33)
Dam: WCF Ch. Ulybka iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB n 21 33)
SIB a 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
blue blotched Taiga Skazka Sibiri Female
54 born 10.03.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: WOC Int.Ch. WCF Pearl Master Buket Skazka Sibiri *RU (SIB n 22)
Dam: Angelur Granda (SIB n 22)
SIB as 21 33 21. Show class veteran (Vet/Vet/-)
blue silver tabby point Jizel Sibirskaya Rapsodia Female
55 born 30.10.2011
Microchip: -
Sire: Yaroslav Zhemchug Nevy (SIB as 21 33)
Dam: Karina Sibirskaya Rapsodiya (SIB n)
SIB d 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
red spotted Artas iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva Male
56 born 26.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bal'zam dlya dushi Danvel (SIB ns 09)
Dam: Helma Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB f 03 21 33)
SIB fs 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black tortie smoke Vanessa iz Odissei Female
57 born 01.03.2020
Microchip: 643094100681538 RUS
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Pamir Sibirushka Iz Odissei (SIB as)
Dam: -
SIB n 03 21 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal tabby point bicolour Zena Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva Female
58 born 11.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bal'zam dlya dushi Danvel (SIB ns 09)
Dam: Lina Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB f 03 21 33)
SIB n 09 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black blotched w/white Angelur Gavrosh Male
59 born 19.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Angelur Patrik (SIB n 24)
Dam: WCF Ch. Krasunya Angara*RUS (SIB f 09 22)
SIB n 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CACIB/CACIB)
black blotched Angelur Granda Female
60 born 19.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Angelur Patrik (SIB n 24)
Dam: WCF Ch. Krasunya Angara*RUS (SIB f 09 22)
SIB ns 24 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
black silver spotted Princess Jasmine LyuMur Female
61 born 23.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Bal'zam dlya dushi Danvel (SIB ns 09)
Dam: Lapushka iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB g 21 33)
SIB ny 21 33 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black golden tabby point Marik Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva Male
62 born 11.05.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Bal'zam dlya dushi Danvel (SIB ns 09)
Dam: Helma Iz Tverskogo Knyazhestva (SIB f 03 21 33)
SIB ny 23 8. Show class grand international premior (CAPE/-/CAPE)
black golden mackerel WOC Int.Pr. Angelur Solnechnaya Skazka Spay
63 born 06.03.2015
Microchip: -
Sire: Ideal Sladkoe Pyatnyshko (SIB n 03 24)
Dam: Angelur Uslada (SIB ny 24)


SOM n (som) 11. Show class champion (CACIB/-/CAGCIB)
ruddy (somali) Unita Tiger Fun Female
64 born 22.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Gules Mahna Mahna of Bronz Breeze (SOM o (som))
Dam: Mirabella Tiger Fun (SOM n)
SOM o (som) 8. Show class grand international premior (CAPE/-/CAPE)
sorrel (somali) Stivi Tiger Fun Neuter
65 born 23.01.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Gules Mahna Mahna of Bronz Breeze (SOM o (som))
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Dushara Maya (SOM n (som))

Shorthair group


ABY n (aby) 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CACE)
ruddy (abyssinian) CACE Bright World Bonifaciy Male
66 born 01.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Int. Ch. Vin Diesel Akkura Cat (ABY a (aby))
Dam: Bright World Ba-syan (ABY n (aby))
ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Magic Sharm Roxy Female
67 born 06.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Kassius-Lux Kotazo (ABY n (aby))
Dam: Magic Sharm Glory (ABY n (aby))
ABY n (aby) 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
ruddy (abyssinian) Grand Gruyere Frolicsome Brouni Male
68 born 28.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Shardi Tequila Sunrise of F*Brownie (ABY n (aby))
Dam: F*Brownie Edelweiss (ABY o (aby))
ABY o (aby) 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
sorrel (abyssinian) WCF Gr.Int.Ch. WCF Jubilee Master Bronz Breeze Vasilissa Female
69 born 15.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Shadeaby Ethan Hunt of Bronz Breeze (ABY n (aby))
Dam: WCF Ch. Monkey Cat Rayne of Bronz Breeze (ABY o (aby))


BEN n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black spotted Mansur Bensimfoniya Male
70 born 03.11.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: N'Garfild (BEN n 24)
Dam: Alexa (BEN n 24)

British Shorthair

BRI j 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
lilac tortie Cassie Temple of the King Female
71 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Mikael Lakki-Cats (BRI d 33)
Dam: Gertrude Masson Club (BRI c)
BRI ns 11 15. Show class junior (CACJ/-/CACJ)
black silver shaded Bonita Beautiful Cloud Female
72 born 27.11.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Salvadore Snow Angel (BRI ns 11 33)
Dam: WCF Ch. Laurita Silver Strand (BRI ns 11)
BRI ns 11 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal silver shaded point WCF Ch. Golden Star Jimmy Male
73 born 07.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Patrick Golden Perfection (BRI ny 21 33)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Hope Snow Angel (BLH ns 11 33)
BRI ny 11 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black golden shaded WCF Ch. HappyGolden Zefir Male
74 born 05.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Violet (BRI ny 11)
Dam: Lyusia (BRI ns 11)
BRI ny 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black golden ticked Calvin Belaya Noch` Male
75 born 14.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Lemurcat Lion Alex (BRI ny 11)
Dam: Liverpool Darina Gold (BRI ny 25)
BRI o 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
cinnamon Shandy Kingil Velvet Male
76 born 14.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Kric Oakwood (BRI o)
Dam: Emilia Kingli Velvet (BRI b)

Cornish Rex

CRX f 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black tortie bicolour Hermione Granger Queen's Charm Female
77 born 22.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Magnificent Brilliant Marcella-Gold (CRX b)
Dam: Tiffany Cutie Coil* BY (CRX f 02)
CRX n 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black Giovanni Queen's Charm Male
78 born 14.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Grant Favorite Rex (CRX d 09)
Dam: Melanie Marcella-Gold (CRX b)

Exotic Shorthair

EXO n 03 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/-/CACP)
black blotched bicolour Happy Friend *RU Kirill Male
79 born 13.04.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Black Pearls Harry (EXO n 03)
Dam: Impero Grace (EXO n 24)
EXO 20. Show class litter (Litter/-/Litter)
color determination Happy Friend*RU K Litter
80 born 13.04.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF W.Ch. Black Pearls Harry (EXO n 03)
Dam: Impero Grace (EXO n 24)

Kurilian Bobtail Shorthair

KBS ny 09 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black golden blotched w/white WCF Ch. Yumiko Zolotaya Seredina Female
81 born 15.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Grinya Zolotaya Seredina (KBS ny 22)
Dam: Jessi from Elite House (KBS fy 09 22)
KBS ny 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
black golden blotched WCF Int.Ch. Dyushes Moy Meow Male
82 born 11.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Kotofey Island Julapp of Soya Untara (KBL ny 22)
Dam: Evseviya Delikejt Flaue (KBS ny 22)

Scottish Fold Shorthair

SFS b 22 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate blotched WCF Ch. Rosa Ruber Hassi Female
83 born 08.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Ch. Amulet Freya of Rosa Ruber (SFS b 03 22)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Cassiopeia FeliTerra of Rosa Ruber (SFL 71 b 03 22)
SFS bs 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
chocolate smoke Style Jasmine's Guru-Joy Male
84 born 17.01.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Style Jasmine's Ulf (SFS es 03)
Dam: Style Jasmine`s Koi Aka Ki Utsuri (SFS 71 f)
SFS by 11 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
chocolate golden shaded point WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Harold from FairyZews Male
85 born 01.03.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Int.Ch. Landers of Malkom (SFS 71 ns 11)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Dayana Angi BriSot (SFS by 21 33)
SFS e 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
cream bicolour Umka Helen company Female
86 born 27.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Style Jasmine's Ulf (SFS es 03)
Dam: Helen Irhen (SFS 71 d 03 22)
SFS f 02 21 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/CAGCE/CAGCE)
black tortie tabby harlequin Happy Queen Sofia of Katrin Ross Female
87 born 09.11.2018
Microchip: 900113002000102
Sire: WCF Ch. Lord Mos Charm of Diord (SFL 71 n 02 24)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Clementina Good Tale (SFS f 03 22)
SFS f 09 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black tortie blotched w/white Beatrice Happy Star Katrin Ross Female
88 born 17.04.2020
Microchip: 900113002000116
Sire: Fiery Pharaoh Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS 71 n 22)
Dam: Exsellent Star Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS f 03 22)
SFS ny 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black golden spotted Macsel Your Princess Galamon*RU Female
89 born 17.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Imperator Chestiff (SFS ny 25)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Macsel Electra Zlata (SFS 71 ny 22)
SFS ny 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CACIB)
black golden spotted RuStarGold Quique DeCosta Male
90 born 18.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: GELIOLAND ICON (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: RustarGold Galaxi (SFS ny 22)
SFS 20. Show class litter (Litter/-/Litter)
color determination Boris Happy Star Katrin Ross Litter
91 born 17.04.2020
Microchip: 900113002000111
Sire: Fiery Pharaoh Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS 71 n 22)
Dam: Exsellent Star Laila Goom of Katrin Ross (SFS f 03 22)

Scottish Straight Shorthair

SFS 71 g 09 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
blue tortie (blue cream) w/white Filippini Busya Female
92 born 10.09.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Style Jasmine's Ulf (SFS es 03)
Dam: Filippini Plusha (SFS 71 a 09 22)
SFS 71 h 23 15. Show class junior (CACJ/CACJ/CACJ)
chocolate tortie mackerel WCF J.Ch. Emmanyel of Whiteshire Female
93 born 04.01.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Benedikt of Planet Picasso (SFL 71 d 03 22)
Dam: WCF Ch. Blue Allure's Anita (SFS c)
SFS 71 hs 25 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
chocolate tortie silver ticked WCF Ch. Diana Any turtles Female
94 born 21.05.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Quintin Murrius (SFS ny 25)
Dam: Rafaella Lenis Animal (SFS 71 fs 24)
SFS 71 n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black spotted RustarGold Roxi Female
95 born 19.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: GELIOLAND ICON (SFS 71 ny 25)
Dam: Ru-Star Fold Golden Apelsinka (SFS ny 22)
SFS 71 ny 25 5. Show class european (continental) champion (CAGCE/-/CAGCE)
black golden ticked MacSel Winnie Pooh Galamon*RU Male
96 born 25.10.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Walt Golden (SFS 71 ny 11)
Dam: WCF Ch. Lada du Soleil (SFS ny 25)

Siamese group

Mekong Bobtail

MBT n 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal point Lance Erosline Golden Truffle Female
97 born 30.06.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: ECH. Eros Golden Truffle (MBT n 33)
Dam: Zabava Kingsley Golden Truffle (MBT n 33)

Oriental Shorthair

OSH f 22 11. Show class champion (CACIB/-/CAGCIB)
black tortie blotched Kukla Dasha of Pleione Spay
98 born 16.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Éclair of Pleione (OSH c)
Dam: Whiskey To Gustepa (SIA f 21)
OSH g 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/-/CACP)
blue tortie (blue cream) blotched Minerva McGonagall Elforia Female
99 born 02.05.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Wood Oliver Elforia (OSH n 24)
Dam: WCF Int.Ch. HU*Okonor Maleficent (OSH g 24)
OSH n 24 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black spotted Jessica Turkuaz Eyes Female
100 born 24.07.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Yankee Kristin*s *RUS (SIA n 02 21)
Dam: Victoria Amaltea Kallisto (OSH n)
OSH o 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
cinnamon bicolour David Elfus Male
101 born 24.02.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Lucky (OSH b 03)
Dam: Tiffani (OSH o)


SIA n 21 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
seal tabby point Petruchio Pretty Pleasure*BY-BFC Male
102 born 06.05.2019
Microchip: 112060000040768
Sire: Unreal Vivaldy Pretty Pleasure (OSH n 24)
Dam: Nazarel Magic Beetles Pretty Pleasure (OSH c)


THA b 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
chocolate point WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Forbes Wonderful Elite Male
103 born 20.04.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Oscar Romeo Wonderful Elite (THA a 33)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Moroshka Regal Splendor (THA b 33)
THA c 33 9. Show class international champion (CAGCIB/CAGCIB/CAGCIB)
lilac point WCF W.Ch. Gaia Wonderful Elite Female
104 born 10.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Grito Gato Musipusi (THA b 33)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Clipsa Wonderful Elite (THA c 33)
THA n 33 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal point Agata Azure Glory Female
105 born 18.10.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Samurai Regal Splendor (THA b 33)
Dam: Rticats Melissa Thai Riddle (THA n 33)

Hairless group


SPH f 03 21 32 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
seal tortie tabby mink w/white Insolito Nicole Female
106 born 19.01.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Noy Teodoro Neo Paradox (SPH b 03 33)
Dam: Insolito Diva (SPH f 03 33)
SPH n 02 32 11. Show class champion (CACIB/-/CAGCIB)
black mink harlequin Ellegiya de Liz Vegas Male
107 born 02.03.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: Ellegiya de Liz Forsazh (SPH c 02)
Dam: Ellegiya de Liz Hanna (SPH n 03 32)
SPH n 03 13. Show class open (CAC/CAC/CAC)
black bicolour Insolito Violetta Female
108 born 12.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: Ellegiya de Liz Vegas (SPH n 02 32)
Dam: Beatrisse Sweet Lasket (SPH a 32)

Shorthair group


ABY n (aby) 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
ruddy (abyssinian) Darlen-Fleur Jason Bourne Male
109 born 02.03.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: -
Dam: -

Longhair group

Highland Fold

SFL n 03 22 16. Show class kitten (CACP/CACP/CACP)
black blotched bicolour Lukor-Fold Show Girl Female
110 born 01.03.2020
Microchip: -
Sire: Hallywel`s Martin (SFL 71 n 02 21)
Dam: Amber Snow Blackbery (SFS n 03)

Semi longhair group

Maine Coon

MCO fs 09 11. Show class champion (-/CACIB/-)
black tortie smoke w/white WCF Int.Ch. Diamond Fierte de Rouge Female
111 born 26.12.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Fantom Mini Trot*BY (MCO ns)
Dam: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Umi Naomi Neko RIN (MCO d)

Siamese group

Oriental Shorthair

OSH o 03 15. Show class junior (-/-/CACJ)
cinnamon bicolour Emilia Elfus Female
112 born 04.12.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: David Elfus (OSH o 03)
Dam: Dorothea Elfus (OSH b 03)

Semi longhair group


SIB n 09 33 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CACIB/CAGCIB)
seal point w/white NINA RICCI OF GAF Female
113 born 18.02.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Jupiter Nevskiy Modern (SIB a 09 21 33)
Dam: WCF W.Ch. Legenda Nevskiy Modern (SIB n 33)
SIB n 33 13. Show class open (CAC/-/CACIB)
seal point Ligers Sibertai Thea Female
114 born 09.08.2019
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Gr.Int.Ch. Liger Siberia Geralt (SIB a 33)
Dam: Nina Ricci of Gaf (SIB n 09 33)

Norwegian Forest Cat

NFO n 23 11. Show class champion (CACIB/CAGCIB/-)
black mackerel WCF Pearl Master Kurt Norlandia*RU Male
115 born 22.04.2018
Microchip: -
Sire: WCF Eur.Ch. Bruni Norlandia*RU (NFO n 09 23)
Dam: WCF Ch. Hennie von Lacman,CZ (NFO n 09 23)